Sunday, 2 October 2011

1459 Mobile Java Games.rar

This collection includes 1459 Java games for Mobile phones. New ones and the classics from various gategories.


I've tested couple of dozens of these games on my Nokia N95 and Nokia 6121 Classic and they worked just fine for me, but before anyone 

starts bitching about these games I want to say following :

A) I can't guarantee that ALL these games are working perfectly or that they're going to work in YOUR phone and model!

B) And even if they do work, I can't guarantee that they are in correct resolution!

C) I can't guarantee that ALL of the games are FULL versions! (tho they seemed to be so far as I've tested them.)

D) I can't guarantee that ALL of the games are in English (or in language that you'll understand)!

1459 games is a HUGE amount and it would take for ages to go through all of them one by one just by myself. That's why I wanted to make myself clear above.

But despite all of above : HAPPY GAMING! 


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